Tasks of the National Park Board

Every year, the National Park Board implements measures such as maintenance of, information in and around, and facilitation of paths and the likes in the protected areas. Under the National Park Board is a secretariat which consists of four national park managers, with offices at the Nordland National Park Center at Storjord in Saltdal municipality.

The basis of how protected areas are managed can be found in the protection regulations. In addition, there are management plans that provide guidelines on how these regulations should be interpreted and which expands on what is meant by the provisions in the regulations.

It is the purpose of the area protection and the protection regulations that governs what kind of activities and measures may be allowed within the protected area.

To read more about Midtre Nordland National Park Board and the areas we manage, please visit our website here.


The current national park board (Photo: Laila Ingvaldsen)

Lapland longspur (Photo: Jim T. Kristensen)


Statskog Fjelltjenesten provides supervision in Junkerdal National Park on behalf of the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate. Statskog Fjelltjenesten performs maintenance commissioned by the National Park Board and general supervision according to the protection regulations.

The Nature Inspectorate has the task of carrying out supervision according to the Act of State Nature Supervision. The purpose is to safeguard national environmental values and prevent environmental crime. The Nature Inspectorate carries out maintenance, registration and facilitation tasks, and additionally information and nature guidance.

Contact us


Nordland nasjonalparksenter, Saltfjellveien 2035, 8255 Røkland

Contact person for Junkerdal National Park

Inge Ingvaldsen, inge.ingvaldsen@statsforvalteren.no, 75 54 79 81


Jim Tovås Kristensen, jim.kristensen@statskog.no, 934 23 318

IKKE RELEVANT Søknader sendes til sfnopost@statsforvalteren.no

NNPS (Photo: Bjørn Jørgensen)