History and culture
Reindeer herding
The sami have lived in and used the areas of Junkerdal National Park as pasture for their reindeer since the 1500s, and you can still find remnants of Sami culture from long ago. Many of the names found in the mountain here are of Sami origin, where the names give important information about the accessibility of an area and the landscape. An example is the name of Skaiti, which comes from Skáidi, meaning “the area between two rivers that merge”.
Today it is the Balvatn reindeer pastoralist district’s reindeer that can be found in the national park. Additionally, Sami on the Swedish side of the border can also use parts of the national park. During spring, and especially during year with poor pasture, the reindeer lives of their last reserves. The reindeer needs calm surroundings to feed during this time, and if you see reindeer with calves, keep your distance. Reindeer are very scared of dogs, so remember to pay attention to your dog if you bring one into the park and keep it on a leash from April 1st until August 20th.
Reindeer cows with calves in a tough time of year (Photo: Jim T. Kristensen)
People at Argaladhytta (Photo: Oskar Pettersen)
Local usage and hunting
The national park is not only meant to protect the nature of the park, but also provide the possibility to experience nature and landscapes through traditional outdoor activities. The locals have a strong bond to these areas, and hunting and fishing is important Hunting was a very important source of income and food for the local farms. The area was also an important place of forage for the valley’s farms, whom also farmed in outlying fields. Today one can still find recent traces of this cultural heritage in the shape of mowed fields, sheds where hay was stored, hunting shacks and boats.